A Prophet Without Honor - Mark 6:1-6
Understand It
- Who went to his hometown? With whom? (6:1)
- What did Jesus do when He returned to His hometown? (6:2)
- Why were the people of Nazareth amazed by Jesus? (6:2)
- Why did the people of Nazareth react negatively to Jesus’ visit? (6:2-3)
- Why did the people of Nazareth talk among themselves about Jesus’ family background? (6:3)
- What did Jesus say to the people who scoffed at Him? (6:4)
- What did Jesus do in Nazareth? (6:5)
- What prevented Jesus from doing more than a few miracles in Nazareth? (6:5-6)
- At what was Jesus amazed? Why? (6:6)
- How did the response to Jesus in Nazareth compare to the response in the other regions Jesus had visited? (6:6)
Apply It
- In what way could you share the message of Christ with a family member or friend this week?
- With what specific step could you turn over one area of your life to the Lord as an act of faith in Him?
- In what matter could you seek the counsel of a family member or close friend? When?
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve - Mark 6:7-13
Understand It
- What task did Jesus give the disciples? (6:7)
- What do Jesus’ actions tell us about His attitude toward His men? (6:7)
- How did Jesus send out the disciples? (6:7)
- How did Jesus equip the disciples for their job? (6:7-11)
- What specific instructions did Jesus give the Twelve? (6:8-11)
- How did Jesus want His men to travel? (6:8-11)
- Who was to provide the food and money for the disciples? (6:8)
- What was the central focus of the mission of the Twelve? (6:7, 13)
- What were the disciples to do if anyone would not welcome them? Why? (6:11)
- What did Jesus mean by saying, ". . . as a testimony against them"? (6:11)
- What does this episode tell us about why Jesus came to earth? (6:12-13)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to show support for someone who ministers full-time?
- To whom can you take the message of Christ this week? How?
John the Baptist Beheaded - Mark 6:14-29
Understand It
- How did Herod hear about Jesus’ miracles? (6:14)
- What were people saying about Jesus? Why? (6:14-16)
- What do Herod’s actions throughout this episode say about the way sin operates in a person’s life? (6:14-29)
- What was it about Jesus that kept most people from believing that He was the Messiah? (6:14-16)
- What did Herod think of Jesus? (6:16)
- Why had Herod arrested and imprisoned John the Baptist? (6:17-18)
- What had John told Herod that caused Herodias to hold a grudge against John? (6:18-19)
- How was John’s condemnation of Herod’s adulterous marriage related to the central message of John’s preaching? (6:18)
- Why did Herod fear and protect John? (6:20)
- What did Mark mean when he wrote, "Finally the opportune time came"? (6:21)
- What happened at the party described in this passage? (6:21-28)
- What caused Herod to offer Herodias’s daughter almost anything she wanted? (6:22-23)
- Why did Herod make a foolish promise? (6:22-23)
- What resulted from Herod’s foolish promise? (6:24-25)
- How did Herod respond to the girl’s request? (6:26-28)
- What became of John? (6:29)
Apply It
- Whom do you need to confront sometime soon? How can you?
- What concrete action can you take to prevent a certain area of sin in your personal life from controlling you? When?
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Mark 6:30-44
Understand It
- What did the apostles do upon returning from their trip? (6:30)
- Why did Jesus want to go away with the disciples to a quiet place? (6:31-32)
- What prevented Jesus and His disciples from getting some rest and relaxation? (6:33)
- How did Jesus respond to the crowds of people waiting to see Him? (6:34)
- What does Jesus’ reaction to the crowds tell you about His character and mission? (6:34)
- What problem did the disciples notice? (6:35-36)
- What problem did the disciples bring to Jesus? Why? (6:35-36)
- What solution did the disciples suggest to the problem they faced? (6:36)
- What did Jesus think of the disciples’ suggestion? (6:37)
- What did the disciples think of Jesus’ solution? (6:37)
- What does the disciples’ reaction to Jesus tell us about them? (6:37)
- What unique plan did Jesus come up with? (6:38-41)
- How much food did Jesus provide? (6:42-44)
- What did Jesus’ disciples do with the leftovers? (6:43)
- How many people did this event directly affect? (6:44)
Apply It
- In what specific way can you show compassion to another person this next week?
- How can you show your willingness to give what you have back to God?
- What can you do this week to increase your confidence in God?
Jesus Walks on the Water - Mark 6:45-56
Understand It
- When did Jesus make His disciples go on ahead of Him? (6:45)
- How did Jesus and the disciples get separated? (6:45-47)
- What did Jesus do while He was alone? (6:46)
- What problem were the disciples having? (6:48)
- How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ needs? (6:48)
- How did the disciples react when they saw Jesus walk on the water? (6:49)
- When did the disciples cry out? Why? (6:49-50)
- What difference did it make that the disciples’ hearts were hardened? (6:49-52)
- Why were the disciples "completely amazed"? (6:51-52)
- What is significant about the wind dying down? (6:51)
- What had the disciples failed to understand? (6:52)
- Where did Jesus and His disciples finally land? (6:53)
- What did Jesus do after He and the disciples had crossed over the lake? (6:54-56)
- How did the crowds respond to Jesus when He came to their villages? (6:56)
- What difference did it make that the crowds welcomed Jesus? (6:56)
- What does the fact that "all who touched Jesus were healed" tell us about the people’s attitude? (6:56)
Apply It
- How can you discipline yourself this week to spend time in undistracted prayer each day?
- What specific fear or anxiety do you need to turn over to the Lord and entrust to Him?
- How can you make yourself sensitive to the lessons God wants to teach you this week?