Dictionaries are a great reference tool to add to your study library. There are many varieties from small handy references to large desk dictionaries. Some are written in plain English (actually most) and some are written for advanced student and academicians.

Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
I have this dictionary as part of my Wordsearch Bible software and I love it. The illustrations, maps, and pictures really help bring some of the words to life.
Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
Published by Baker Academic and edited by Dr. Walter Elwell. The contributors to this volume are among the most renown of our day. This dictionary was my go to dictionary in the library. It is comprehensive in its definitions, cross-references, and notes.
Kregel Dictionary of the Bible and Theology
Written by Dr. Henry Holloman and published by Kregal Academic & Professional. Full disclosure, Dr. Holloman was one of my professors in seminary. There were rumors that he was right behind Moses crossing the Red Sea, but I think those rumors are exaggerated. Dr. Holloman is an amazing professor with an incredible grasp of the Scripture. All semester long he answered any and every question by quoting a scripture, book, chapter, and verse.
This dictionary is written in plain English and deals with 500 of the most complex words and concepts in the Bible. Its a great reference tool to have on your desk when its time to deepen your study.
Unger's Bible Dictionary
This was my first Bible dictionary and it has seen a lot of use over the years! I value this dictionary because Unger took great pains to include social, political, and economic issues of the day into many of the articles.
Published by Moody Press.
Dictionary of Pre-Millenial Theology
Dr. Mal Couch is the General Editor, published by Kregal Academic & Professional. This volume represents the combined efforts of 56 scholars who contributed to the finished work.
This dictionary is a good reference to have when it comes to defining the many terms surrounding pre-millenial and dispensational theology. If you're not sure what that means this dictionary can help. I know because I just looked them up!